They are a family of viruses that can cause mild to severe upper respiratory tract infection.
There are 7 types of human coronaviruses. Among those, 3 of them - namely MERS, SARS and COVID-19 - are shown to cause more severe illness

What This Report Covers:
This is a newly discovered disease in 2019 and falls under the coronavirus family. It is an infectious disease that can cause mild to moderate respiratory illness, however if u have comorbidities or underlying diseases you more likely develop the more severe form of the disease.
The beta coronavirus that caused the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome.
Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) was first identified in 2012. The common symptoms for MERS is fever, cough and shortness of breath
The beta coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, discovered in 2002. This disease has caused close to 8000 cases in 26 counties and 700 over deaths. It is highly contagious and can cause a life threathening form of pneumonia. There have been no SARS cases reported anywhere in the world since 2004.
People Affected Across The Globe
Current Research is showing that a person's genetics can be predispose them to coronaviruses upon virus exposure.
Did you know? A certain variation in the gene can make you more susceptible towards the coronavirus and even cause you to have more severe symptoms than other people if you are exposed to the virus.
The Coronavirus Report will be part of Project CoviDNA, our very first internal research project initiative that we aim to conduct in the very near future.
We hope to study how your genomic predisposes you to the coronaviruses upon exposure and discover useful information that can help Malaysians in this battle against coronaviruses.
Join us to be a part of this Malaysian project!
Our Objective
To better understand how a person's genetic makes them more susceptible to the coronaviruses and the severity of the infection upon exposure to the virus.
To identify a specific genetic makeup among the population that makes them more susceptible to the coronaviruses.
What This Report Covers:
With the available evidence and information sourced from the current research and the state-of-the-art lab facility at Advanx Health, you will receive:

Opting in for this coronavirus report would equal to giving consent for the use of your data for future internal research puposes. In the event where your data is required for external research use, Advanx Health will obtain your consent prior to conducting the said research.
We would like to strongly emphasize that this report is based on the current research and is subject to change upon more research done in this field. We believe by providing what is currently available, our customer will benefit from it and be able to get some understanding on their genetic risk factor.
This document is not a medical cert or a diagnosis confirming you will definitely be at high risk or severely affected with the virus (depending on your results).
This report only covers your risk of contracting the three main coronaviruses namely SARS-CoV1, SARS-CoV2, and MERS-CoV.
Be sure to always practice the health precaution set by the authorities to break the chain of transmission.
Practice social distancing, wear a face mask and wash your hands.
How It Works

Package For You:
Uncover your genetic predispositions. Manage your lifestyle with personalised recommendations.

Select from 8 different report categories and create your own customized DNA reports

Weight Management
Inner Potential

Health Risks
Carrier Status

Discover your carrier status to prevent your future family from potentially inheriting genetic disorders.
Genetic mutation screening for recessive genetic disorders
Comes with Individual Comments from Professional Genetic Counsellor

The wellness test that you need to understand how to live a healthier lifestyle based on your DNA.
Weight Management
Inner Potential
Health Risks
Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)
No, your results with this test will only show your risk and severity level upon exposure to the coronaviruses. It will not provide a confirmation that you will get infected with the COVID-19. However, whatever your results might be, we highly encourage you to practice all safety precautions and prevention methods as stated by your health authority.
Be sure to wear a mask when you go out, avoid crowded places, practice social distancing and wash your hands frequently.
This report will be available to all customers who purchase any of our DNA Explorer packages (i.e. Prime, Carrier, Personal).
Unfortunately, this report is only provided to our customers who have done their DNA tests with us. Hence, you will need to purchase any one of our DNA Explorer packages in order to obtain this report.
No matter what your results are, it is highly recommended that you should practice the necessary safety precautions and follow all prevention methods as stated by your health authority. Especially when visiting elderly parents and young children, please take extra precaution to reduce your chances of getting infected and/or infecting others. Low risk and mild (severity level) does not mean you never get infected by the coronaviruses, you can still get infected if you are exposed to the virus.
Be sure to wear a mask when you go out, avoid crowded places, practice social distancing and wash your hands frequently. Please be advised to stay home if you do not have any urgent matters to attend to outside.
This report will enable you to understand your risk levels in contracting the coronaviruses upon virus exposure. However, this cannot be used as a medical cert. It is just a report to gain more understanding on how your genetics can predispose to the risk of contracting the coronaviruses upon virus exposure.
We would like to strongly emphasize that this report is based on the current research and is subject to change upon more research done in this field. We believe by providing what is currently available, our customers will benefit from it and be able to get some understanding on their genetic risk factor.